
Piadina Romagnola PGI is the most loved baked product in Italy

01 April 2020


The “bread” of Romagna in first place among certified products of Italy under the heading Bakery: + 24.5% growth in quantity and value The Igp (Protected Geographical Indication) is good for Piadina Romagnola. This is stated by the 2019 Ismea-Qualivita Report on DOP and IGP productions, the most complete publication on the economic value of certifications. According to the analysis of the research institute, Piadina Romagnola certified in the course of just one year (2017-2018) has grown in double figures both in quantity and in value. A result that places the “bread” of Romagna in first place for economic weight among the certified products of Italy in the “Bakery and pastry” category.

“This is a very important data since about one piadina out of two produced in Romagna is Igp certified – explains Alfio Biagini, President of the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Romagna Piadina – At the same time it is also a demonstration of how a product made with four simple ingredients (flour, water, salt, lard or oil), once the poor ‘bread’ of our land, has been able to rise over the decades to the emblem of a hard-working land that knows how to enhance its history and tradition “.

And it is thanks to the IGP that the Consortium in recent weeks has managed to thwart an attempted counterfeiting in the United Kingdom, just as last year it had succeeded in a similar initiative in Canada. “Identifying the IGP product with the values ​​of Romagna, its exclusive production area: this is the goal we set ourselves as a Consortium – continues Biagini – A battle that sees us at the forefront of defending against any imitation in a world scenario that to date it has registered about a hundred trademarks ”.

The Piadina Romagnola PGI
There are four basic ingredients of Piadina recognized in the Protection Regulations: Soft wheat flour; Water (just enough to obtain a homogeneous mixture); Salt (equal to or less than 25 grams); Fats (lard, and / or olive oil and / or extra virgin olive oil up to 250 grams).
After the dough and portioning into loaves or balls, the next step is laminating with a manual rolling pin or mechanical laminator. Finally, cooking on a hob that varies from 200 to 250 ° C with a maximum of 4 minutes. In order to be eligible for the IGP, the Piadina must be packaged only in the production areas established by the specification and certified by a body in charge. The Disciplinary presents the piadina for consumption in two types: the one with a smaller diameter (15-25 cm) but thicker (4-8 mm), and the Rimini one with a larger diameter (23-30 cm) and thinner (up to to 3 mm).

The members of the Consortium
Established in 2011, the members of the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola are 13. These are the members of the Consortium: Adp (Riccione), Alimenta Produzioni (Riccione), Artigianpiada (Cerasolo), Deco Industrie (Bagnacavallo), Gastone (Ravenna) , Gitoma (Bagnacavallo), Global Food (Misano), Pagliacci Marilena (Cervia), Piada d’Oro (Saludecio), Piadina da Giorgia (Cervia), Riccione Piadina (Riccione), Riviera Piada (Rimini).
