

The Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola and the Consortiums Costa Hotels and Food in Tour present themselves together with the Promotional Evenings in Turin organized by Visit Romagna Come flywheel for tourism in Romagna.
A collaboration has been opened between the Costa Hotels and Food In Tour Consortiums of Riccione and the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola, in the persons of the legal representatives Bruno Bernabei and Alfio Biagini, for the promotion of Piadina Romagnola.

The first initiative will be on the occasion of the Promotional Evenings in Turin on Tuesday 29 September organized by Visit Romagna where 31 buyer operators and decision makers of Holidays and Tourism of Cral / Associations / Circoli del Piemonte will be convened. A buffet dinner with typical Romagna products will be followed by Costa Hotels and Food In Tour with its operators, which thanks to this collaboration with the Piadina Romagnola Consortium after the B2B meeting will pay homage to the attendees with a package consisting of 5 wraps with the Brand of the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Romagna Piadina combining Romagna Territorial Destination and Piadina Food.
The collaboration will continue in the next appointments: at the TTG Experience in Rimini 14/15/16 October at the B2B of the Emilia Romagna Region Stand and at the next promotional evenings in November in Bergamo and Vicenza, also organized by Visit Romagna with a meeting with B2B operators and Typical Dinner Romagnola.

“This combination – comments the President of the Consortium and Protection of Piadina Romagnola Alfio Biagini – I consider very important on the Italian / foreign tourist market. Emotions and traditions told by a piece of piadina, which is the first thing they give you if you knock at the house of a Romagna. Teaming up together in the territorial system is increasingly strategic and winning. And above all if we manage to promote both autumn and spring more and more, with thematic weekends and food and wine tours. By letting you discover the excellence of our products that are made only in Romagna… one of which is the Piadina Romagnola IGP ”.

The piadina in its four simple ingredients (water, flour, salt, oil or lard) is the symbol of its hospitable land, it tells its history and its traditions.
A story that since 2014 has added an important chapter: the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) certification. It means that the production of Piadina Romagnola can only be done in the territory of Romagna, according to a specific disciplinary, an instrument of protection from the countless counterfeiting attempts in the world. And it is precisely the mission that a group of producers gathered in the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Romagna Piadina set themselves: to enhance and protect the product.

“There are two key lines that have seen us engaged for years – explains the president of the Consorzio Alfio Biagini – First of all, to enhance the emblematic product of our land of Romagna, hit in recent months by this terrible health emergency, and which can find an element of redemption precisely in its iconic product. Secondly, the defense of Piadina from counterfeiting attempts outside the borders of Romagna, through a commitment and constant vigilance in protecting the product, as we have done with satisfaction in recent months in Canada and in the United Kingdom “.
Biagini broadens his gaze to the tourist aspect: “Recent data from ENIT-Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo say that 29% of Italians will choose the tourist destination in the autumn months for ‘food and wine’ reasons. Basically one out of three will choose where to go based on the food: well, with the Piadina Romagnola we are ready to welcome tourists who want to come to Romagna”.

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